Mexican Art
NeoCrotalic Mexican Art is a contemporary art movement that revives traditional Mesoamerican design principles in a modern context. The movement was founded by artist Javier López Pastrana in 2003, and it has since grown to include a number of other artists from Mexico.
If you want to visit Javier Lopez Pastrana website please visit here:
NeoCrotalic art is characterized by its use of Mayan geometric shapes, the "Best Maugard method" promoted by Jose Vasconcelos, the use of bold colors, and intricate patterns. It often explores global themes of technology, spiritual and social aspects that are worth a reflection for viewers.

"NeoCrotalic Art" started by Javier Lopez Pastrana in 2003 his artistic proposal to revive and use a “traditional design” which was used by ancient Mesoamerican cultures like the Aztecs and Mayans in their architecture, sculpture, textiles, and more.
The design is called “CANAMAYTE” and is a quadric-vertex design found naturally in the scales of the rattlesnake's skin. The NeoCrotalic Art movement wants to use this pattern as a rule of proportion in their artwork, and apply it in a modern way to create new works of art.
But, he dont want to just copy the old works from the ancient cultures. Instead, Pastrana want to interpret and incorporate the crotalic composition elements in his own unique ways, whether it's in 2D or 3D formats., trying to create a Mexican visual accent that is different from the golden composition of the West. To achieve this, he propose also using a drawing method called "Best Maugard method," which is based on seven elemental lines. This method helps express different motives, like anthropomorphic or zoomorphic, and helps create his own national personality.
So, basically, the NeoCrotalic Art movement is all about reviving a traditional design and using it in a modern way to create new works of art that have a unique Mexican visual accent. It's pretty cool, huh?
To deepen more about Mexican NeoCrotalic art, do not hesitate to look at the original manifesto created by the artist in the next link
Here is a video of an example of the paintings made by this art current
In the next section you can jump up into our gallery of NeoCrotalic Mexican Paintings. and NFT's
Here you'll find a collection of unique and powerful works of art, each one telling a story, each piece will make you reflect in something, we invite you to to take the time to look at each one carefully and read the artists reflexive thoughts.
NeoCrotalic Mexican Art is proud to offer an immersive and interactive 3D virtual gallery experience that allow you to explore our collection paintings and NFTs. With the latest in virtual reality technology designed to give you an up close and personal expirience with our artworks, allowing you to take a closer look at the details of each piece. From the confort of your own home, you can experience the NeoCrotalic Mexican Art in a metaverse like never before
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Keypoints to understand NeoCrotalic Art
The art is based on ancient Mesoamerican knowledge, specifically a geometric pattern called "CANAMAYTE" which is present in the rattlesnakes of Yucatan. This pattern represents the worldview on the formation of heaven and earth of Mesoamerican cultures and was used as a mathematical model called quadrivertex for the construction of the pyramids in Mexico. The incorporation of studies by Adolfo Best Maugard also adds to the art's significance. This art has the purpose of finding the Mexican national identity in its application and study.
This art deeply enriches Mexican identity and culture. It showcases the country's rich history, traditions, and heritage.
Javier Lopez Pastrana's technique and style of painting cannot be found in any other artist, alive or dead. His unique harmonic composition is visible in all of his artworks, making it a signature and an art current not seen since the pre-Columbian period.
The artworks have been recognized by collectors, museum directors, artists, and galleries, which speaks to their quality and value.
The themes of the artworks are wide and varied, reflecting on subjects such as migration, technology, spirituality, social affairs, universe mysteries, sacred aspects, and esoteric subjects.
This contributes to the strengthening of contemporary Mexican art with a proposal of international stature, which reproduces culture, which is not accidental or ephemeral, and which must be shared with humanity.